Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Harry Styles and Taylor Swift : Rumor or Truth ?

a lot of people think that Haylor is just a rumor that a lot of people made . But , many people believe in it . Is it a rumor ? or the truth ?

okay , many fans of  the sexy and charming One Direction Harry Styles , jealous of this rumor and hated Taylor Swift .
But , the romantic part is when Harry give's 23 cupcakes for Taylor at her 23th birthday . Aww , that is so sweet :3

many people spot them together one time , and already make a trend on twitter , and they said .. " yes , we are jealous "

even many of people hated this rumor or maybe this " relationship " I still think they look so cute together .. so , when this thing will be announced ? or it just a silly rumor that people made up ? what I know is people is dying to find out !

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